nathan bucholz
Director of ministry
Nathan is our Interim Minister. Highland Nazarene has been his church home since 2000. He was called to the ministry at the age of 16, and has dedicated his life to the Lord. Nathan studied at Grand Canyon Univ. in Arizona and is continuing his studies in the Nazarene Church toward ordination. In addition to Preaching, he teaches our men's Sunday school class on Sundays and teaches every Wednesday night. He joined our team in April of 2015. Nathan is married to Hailey and they have two daughters, Mable & Rose. They reside in Highland, IN.

ryan manes
Worship leader
Ryan lives in Bourbonnais, IL., near Olivet Nazarene University, where he completed his MA in Religious Studies degree last Spring. He believes strongly that worship is most effective when it is both Spirit-led and adapting to the different needs within each church family. Moreover, he believes Music Ministry to be an exciting opportunity for all people (musician or not) to become involved with the mission of God. He has been at Highland since mid-2021. He reflects on his time at the church: "I truly believe this church congregation and its leadership is unique; they truly care for and take you in as a member of a family. I've been so blessed to call this place home and am excited for where God is taking us." In addition to serving at Highland, Ryan also works as an Assistant for Olivet's Computer Science Department and is the Director for the university's Esports program.

Tiffany greer
Youth pastor
Tiffany Greer transferred to Highland Nazarene Church from her home church in 2017. She is happily married since 1998 to Mitch, and grateful mother to Heidi (’03) and Bradley (’07). Tiffany has worked with teens and young adults for over 25 years as a Sunday School teacher, Bible Study leader, Professor, and as the Youth Director at Highland since 2020. Her favorite part of working with teens is their honesty and laughing together. Her favorite activity is Fall Retreat where they get away and have lots of quality time together. If she were to give any advice to a teen it would be, “Know you are loved, adored, chosen, and completely cherished by the Creator of the stars. He has amazing plans for you when you surrender your life to Him.” Come to youth group to find out more! We have Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30 and Youth Group every Wednesday night from 6-7:30 at The Haven.

Lisa Knight
office manager
Lisa started working at Highland Nazarene in July of 2021. She resides in Schererville with her husband of 37 years. She has 4 grandkids who are the love of her life! Not only does Lisa work at the church but this is the church she attends and she enjoys leading a Life Group.